Diversity Statement

Supporting The Inherent Worth and Dignity of Each Person.

Diversity Statement

Creighton University’s Student Counseling Services acknowledges the inherent worth and dignity of each person. We strive to affirm the multiple, intersecting identities of each individual and create a welcoming environment. Intersecting identities include but are not limited to racial and ethnic membership, gender, sexual identity, social class, religious affiliation, nationality and/or ability status. We recognize that not all diversity is universally valued. We acknowledge the effects of stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination, oppression, power and privilege. We understand that some students might be hesitant to come to counseling out of concern of being misunderstood or judged because of their identity or beliefs. To this end, we seek to provide an open and trusting space in which all students feel safe, brave, valued, heard and respected.

Please use the menus below for more details, and click here to learn more about diversity and inclusion in the Division of Student Life.

With respect, Student Counseling Services acknowledges the Omaha/Ponca people and other Indigenous nations on whose ancient and sacred lands we work, learn, and gather. We recognize the ever-present systemic inequities that stem directly from colonialism and its impact on BIPOC communities. We commit ourselves to respecting and reconciling this long history of injustice, including harm caused to mental health, and uplifting the sovereignty of Indigenous communities.

At Student Counseling Services, we view commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion as an ongoing learning journey, never assuming we have fully reached our destination. We recognize how racist policies have shaped the field of psychology and acknowledge the historical harm inflicted on marginalized populations. Staff believe it is our responsibility to examine ourselves to ensure we are doing everything we can to undo and repair, rather than replicate, the oppressive ideologies that cause so much harm. Only through an awareness of ourselves as cultural beings can we hope to understand and help others. Practicing through a lens of cultural humility, we support one another in exploring issues of diversity by challenging our biases and engaging in difficult dialogues to further personal and professional integration. Staff also recognize the interconnectedness between social justice and emotional well-being. In seeking ongoing learning opportunities we strive towards action-based initiatives in addressing racist policies and creating an equitable environment for learning and growth in Student Counseling Services and the Creighton Community.

Student Counseling Services staff understand that the open expression of ideas is vital to our students and to society at large. That open exchange, however, must also include diverse and varied perspectives for it to truly represent our community.  In this context, we recognize our own limitations in terms of staff representation and work actively to rectify this imbalance of staff composition by recruiting BIPOC staff and trainees.

Click here to view local African-American and biracial mental health therapists.

Contact Us

Student Counseling Services
P: 402.280.2256
F: 402.280.1859

Academic Year Hours
Monday: 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Tuesday: 8 a.m.-6:30 p.m.
Wednesday: 8 a.m.-6:30 p.m.
Thursday: 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Please call to make an appointment